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SKU - Stock Keeping Unit

Is a unique code that is used to reference each product, identify and track its inventory, or stock. SKU’s can match our supplier or could also be a barcode.

Product Name & Title

Use descriptive product names that are not too long, pay attention to how your competitors name their products. Try to include important specific information that is relevant to differentiate it.

Product Description

A detailed product description of each product, try to answer common questions that the buyer would have about a specific product. Highlight the features that might confuse the average buyer.

Product Short Description

155 Character short description that summarizes the important points, these will show search pages and just before you can leave a short description.

Product Price

We require the product price for each product.
Regular Price
Sale Price - You can select a date range which manages the visibility of the sale.
Make sure to indicate if these products are inclusive or excluding VAT.

Product Variations

Product variations occur when an item that has different attributes, such as color and size, is grouped together with its variants on a single product page.
Sizes - Example Small $50, Medium $75, Large $100
Do variations affect the price?
Product variations can also have different prices for example, if a product has 3 sizes, we can have a separate price for each size. Then add a list of variations to each.
Sizes - Example Small $50, Medium $75, Large $100

Product Images

Image file name should appear on the item list.
We require clear high-res images of each product saved in jpeg, png, for better performance these images can be optimized.
Each image should be at least 300 x 300 pixels but 600 x 600px is ideal (Normally square but can be adjusted to suit the product).
Product images should be cleaned and ready for upload.
Product sizes should be relative to each other (for example if you are selling a size 8 shoe should be consistent on photos with the correct spacing all around).
Name the files using a descriptive name followed by the SKU, if possible.
Multiple images are allowed for each product, If you have more than 1 image per product, save all the related images for that product within a folder.
Bulk image editing such as removing backgrounds, color touch-ups are not included in a general website design project. These need to be handled on a per project basis.

Physical Products Dimensions

If possible we require Actual product Weight, Length, Breath, Width.
It is good to include this as it helps customers during their purchase decisions.

Box or Package Dimensions for Shipping

We require for the 1st set,
Length, Breath, Width

Digital Products

If you are selling digital products we will require a PDF, JPEG, name of the file should appear on the product list spreadsheet.

Company Details Address

Company Name:
VAT Registered:
Shipping Address:
Collection Address

Shipping Details

Work out your shipping zones.

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